
Recent data breach and cyberattack gets Samsung sued

Samsung displays Apple smartphone

Last week, Samsung confessed that the company faced a security breach in late July that exposed the personal data of customers living in the US. Now Samsung is getting sued for not notifying customers about the data breach early.

According to the information, Samsung data and security breach affected over 3,000 customers as their personal information was stolen. This personal information was related to contacts, names, birth dates, demographics, and product registration data.


The company might be finding itself free after informing about the cyberattack. But a couple of days ago, a complaint was filed against Samsung at the US District Court.

The security breach took place in June but Samsung realized the leak on August 4 and disclosed the issue about one month later. In September, the company launched a full investigation in collaboration with “a leading outside cybersecurity firm” and confirmed that it is cooperating with law enforcement on the matter.

Samsung data breach

According to the class action, this was more than enough time to disclose the breach, and the company’s decision to wait is equivalent to failing its duty as a collector of private information.

If Samsung found out about the breach in early August, it’s hard to understand why the company would wait until September to notify its customers.

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