Android 14 notetaking feature

Android 14 notetaking feature is worth your attention, here’s first look

Android 14 will step on the ground with outstanding features. These new additions will not remain confined to smartphones but also play a vital role in tablets and foldable. In the latest Android 14 development, we have caught a unique notetaking feature for styluses which is worth your attention.

Spotted by @MishaalRahman, Android 14 will feature an impressive notetaking tool for tablets. According to the information, the upcoming OS comprises a new role called ROLE_NOTES. The element is available to certain applications with SDK 34 capability.

When an app qualifies for the Notes role, the user can make it the Notes role holder by going to Settings > Apps > Default apps > Notes app. One can also access this page via connecting the stylus to your tablet or by simply checking out the lock screen settings page.

Android 14 notetaking feature

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Once enabled, apps can use the notes launching action and capture content activities. It further triggers the System UI to get a screenshot of the current window on behalf of the app. Users thereafter, can edit the snap accordingly. Besides, Android 14 launched the default notes app in a floating bubbly by just tapping the tail button of a connected stylus.

Android 14 notetaking feature is worth your attention, here’s first look

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