
Chip shortage will continue to affect Daimler’s second quarter revenue reports company

Since the second half of 2020, the problem of chip shortage has become the main theme of the semiconductor industry. Today, this problem has had an impact on global automakers. The root cause is the competition between automakers and the consumer electronics industry for chip supply and many other factors.

On Wednesday, German automaker Daimler stated that it will cut the working hours of as many as 18,500 employees and suspend production at two plants in Germany due to chip shortages that have impacted global car production.

The shortage of chips not only affects Daimler’s production but also affects the company’s performance. On Friday, local time, Daimler warned that the global chip shortage may continue to affect the company’s second-quarter revenue.

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During the new crown epidemic, more and more people work from home and learning, resulting in the market for smartphones’ increased demand for chips and computer use. As chip manufacturers focus on meeting this demand, the supply of semiconductors to auto parts manufacturers has stalled.

It is reported that due to the shortage of automotive chips, Honda, Volkswagen, Ford, Fiat Chrysler, Subaru, and other automakers have also been forced to cut production, and some have even been forced to suspend production.

Earlier, it was said that the global chip shortage and related shutdowns are expected to result in a reduction of approximately 216,000 vehicles, which is equivalent to a reduction of US$2 billion in profits.

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