Several minor changes have been made to the rebuilt Mass Effect Legend Edition. For example, in the first game called Elanos Haliat, a small NPC from Side Mission, originally mistakenly given a human model, now Turian appears as he thought.
One of the more popular characters of the trilogy, Tali, a romantic quarry engineer, now has a different face.
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In the first two games, only vague descriptions of Tali’s face appeared, as she wore a helmet to protect her from disease (actually, an example of our time). Even after having a romance with Tali, you can’t get a clear look on her face until there’s a scene reminiscent of Shepard taking a framed photo.
That photo in the original version of Mass Effect 3 is a Photoshop stock image: “Lovely woman smiling at sunset”. Fans who wanted to see something more exotic and bought a little less from the Getty image composed with their frustration.
Now in the epic version, even if you still haven’t seen Tali’s face elsewhere, at least the photo looks a little exotic, leaving a little more of her presence to your nation. I mean, I’m going to replay the series on romance instead of Liara on it, but it’s something.