
Nintendo games are officially becoming high school esports

Nintendo and youth sports company PlayVS have announced a partnership this fall season to bring competing Nintendo games such as the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and Splatoon 2 into the high school gaming league. This is the first time these two titles have been understood as official high school athletics activities. They are officially sponsored by Nintendo.

PlayVS mentions team play along with the use of various league formats but has yet to reveal anything except for a season starting on September 20th. The league’s competition consists of online matches as well as seasonal leagues, which allow teams. Countries compete with each other.

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Thanks to the partnership with Nintendo, it provides the Nintendo Switch system to select eligible schools. In addition, 3,000 selected schools will receive a 12-month individual subscription to “Super Smash Brothers Ultimate or Splatoon 2 Game and Nintendo Switch Online”.

While this is the first time Nintendo Games has come under the umbrella of the PlayVS High School varsity, the company is not new to the competition scene. The Youth Export League has been brought to high schools and colleges everywhere, with games like PlayVS, Fortnight, Smite, League of Legends, Rocket League, and more.

This is a major step towards the future of the new league sports and it will come as no surprise to look at Nintendo’s past of the competing Super Smash Brothers. For students and school educators who want to join the action, PlayVS suggests joining its waiting list.

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