
New Google feature allows easier access to your saved password from your smartphone

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This is Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month, and companies are using this opportunity to make their products safer for users. We have already seen Mozilla add support for automatic password filling in Firefox for Android.

Now, Google wants to make major improvements to the way you log in to various applications and services to ensure your online experience is safe. The most significant of these changes is the feature that allows you to easily access stored Google passwords on your smartphone.


Google recently revealed that you can now more easily access the passwords stored in Google Password Manager. If you are an avid user of Chrome, you should already be familiar with the browser’s built-in password manager.

Allows you to save your password when registering a new website so that you can log in quickly the next time you visit the website. The same password manager can also be used in other products, including Android and Google apps.

However, it does not allow you to access the passwords stored on these platforms. Although, in a future update, Google will add features that will allow you to access your stored passwords directly from the Google app.

After the update, you can easily access the password by simply opening the Google application on your smartphone. This is especially true if you use Chrome’s default padding feature to generate complex passwords for services you subscribe to but don’t remember.

Although accessing your stored passwords through Chrome is not that complicated, new updates will make this process easier. After uninstalling, you should see the password manager in the Google application menu. Currently, Google does not have a timetable for the release of the sharing feature. We will check this post as soon as we get more details.

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