
Google Chrome 91 version for Windows 10 and macOS is 23% faster

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Google Chrome browser based on Chromium is gaining another speed improvement. Google hopes that this will help its browser stay on Windows 10 and other platforms. Run faster. This change is reflected in Chrome 91, which will be fully promoted to Windows 10 and macOS users in the next few days.

JavaScript execution time is very important to the overall performance of any web browser. Google is trying to make the JavaScript engine faster with the new Sparkplug compiler. This change can be used with the Chrome 91 browser.

After the update, the speed of the Chrome browser will increase by 23%. This new compiler is designed to fill the gap between executing and optimizing JavaScript code for maximum performance.

In addition to the new compiler, Google is also using “built-in calls” to optimize the browser’s process of using generated code to reduce jumps when calling functions. Google has confirmed that it is making a number of reforms to improve the overall performance of Chrome.

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For example, Google plans to introduce support for “backward caching” in Chrome 92 browsers on Windows 10, macOS, Linux, and other platforms. As the name suggests, this experimental feature enables instant page loading when users use the “back” or “forward” buttons to navigate between open tabs. It only works on previously visited pages and sessions in the browser’s cache.

In one of the documents, Google explained that backward caching is expected to improve user experience and overall performance by keeping previously visited pages active after users navigate away with the browser’s back/forward buttons.

“The pages in the cache are frozen and do not run any JavaScript,” Google said. Interested users can already test the back/forward cache by enabling the experimental flag.

Unlike Origin Trials’ release method, Google is planning to adopt a gradual rollout approach, which means that some users will get the feature earlier than others. It should also be noted that similar functions have been supported for many years in the Android Chrome and Safari browsers.

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