
Google Wallet QR code card lets you pay even without NFC support

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Google Wallet is one of the easiest platforms for online transactions and to make it more simplified, the company is adding the QR code card payments facility. Eventually, it will help users even when they don’t have high-tech features like NFC (Near Field Communication) service in their handsets.

Yes! Are you a fan of digital money but your phone doesn’t support NFC? Don’t worry as the US manufacturer is bringing a new QR code card payments feature that will let you make your Google Wallet transactions easier, especially for NFC-less phones.

According to the inputs, Google is expanding the Wallet features beyond NFC capabilities. Consequently, you can perform online transactions with credit and debit cards by using the camera to scan dynamic codes in payment machines. Perhaps, you won’t require the NFC ability anymore.

The company explained the criteria by showing up a new GIF on the official blog. Here, the payment terminal displays a QR code that you can scan with the Wallet. Thereafter, it will show details including price, and let you pick a card. Finally, click on ‘pay now’ to confirm the details and follow the transaction.

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In addition, Google said that this feature is mainly designed and developed considering people’s needs in countries like Brazil, where a significant portion of smartphones do not have NFC services. Besides, the tweak will also bring safety and ease of Wallet digital payments to more people.


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