
Hundreds of apps violating Xiaomi App Store policies, 114 removed

Mi app store

Today, the Xiaomi App Store has officially stated that since September 2021, a total of 1,105 compliant apps have been detected on the Xiaomi platform due to breaches such as privacy policy without a rejection button and no account logout function.


Due to these complaints, 915 apps were fixed within a time limit, and 114 apps were removed from the app store because they were containing some viruses, Trojan horses, and other functions that infringe users.

Xiaomi app store complaints

Xiaomi App Store said that it actively implements platform management responsibilities and insists on submitting a list of violating privacy apps to regulatory authorities every day.

Priority will be given to developers to improve themselves within the stipulated time frame, and problems such as overdue improvements or refusal to cooperate will remove the application from the shelves.

In August 2021, 1,350 compliant apps were detected on the Xiaomi platform. Due to violations such as privacy policy no rejection button, no account logout function, and other violations, 1188 applications have been fixed within a time frame. A total of 92 apps were taken off the shelves for dealing with issues like violations of user functions.

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