X Twitter CEO disinformation

Meet new glitch: X (Twitter) wipes out images and links posted before December 2014

X (formerly known as Twitter) is now showing a nasty glitch all over the media platform that has resulted in the deletion of images and certain links posted before December 2014. Eventually, this act is making users concern about their account as well as shared details.

The Twitter glitch came to light when a user Tom Coates tweeted about images and links removal from his account. Diving into the details, it seems as if the new URL that the company has generated is the main reason behind this annoying defect.

So far, the application came into existence in 2006 but didn’t support native images until 2011. However, the new bug in the application is hampering all those snaps tweeted between 2011 to 2014 as they are not loading on the site.

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Meanwhile, Elon Musk has not uttered any word on this matter till now. Let’s see whether this is actually an issue or if the company has again taken some steps for its application.

Twitter glitch images links


Meet new glitch: X (Twitter) wipes out images and links posted before December 2014

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