WhatsApp text formatting tools

WhatsApp preps new text formatting tools to enhance chat experience

WhatsApp is constantly putting efforts to enhance the overall chatting experience among users and in the latest development, the company is preparing some useful text formatting tools. As the term hints, users would be able to play with new styles while sending messages to others.

According to the inputs, the text formatting tools for WhatsApp are still in preparation mode. However, we can have some early looks at what the company is cooking for future updates.

So far, we had a few text-styling capabilities (bold, strikethrough, and monospace) which required tricks to flash out the uniqueness in the text. Although, we may get some more new tweaks in the coming days.

Speaking of development, the company is introducing additional text formatting tools including three prominent styles. To begin with, the ‘Code Black’ feature aims to make sharing and reading lines of code much more convenient. It will mainly serve as blocking code snippets for developers and programmers.

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Next is the ‘Quote’ feature which will help users refer back to specific messages in a chat. It will further let you highlight a certain text portion. The third one simply enables users to create a list of items. These new additions will be available for both Android and iOS with the upcoming updates.

WhatsApp text formatting tools


WhatsApp preps new text formatting tools to enhance chat experience

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