Twitter video download capability

X (Twitter) app gets video download capability, but there’s a catch

Twitter which has now become ‘X’ has finally gained the video download capability. Elon Musk has recently announced the new addition to the online social media app in his X post. However, users need to work a little bit to use and enjoy this effective function.

Eventually, you need a Twitter Blue subscription to access the new video download capability. In simple words, this is not a cost-free feature and is only available for users with verified accounts. In case you don’t have a Blue checkmark on your Twitter handle, you won’t be able to obtain this tweak.

On the flip side, you cannot download all videos from the app. It depends on the content creators to decide whether their media content should be downloaded or not from the X application. Thus, it’s an interesting but disappointing change for users.

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Still, verified users can tap on the “…” symbol in the upper right corner when a video shows up in full-screen mode. That’s not it. Things are still in the experimental stage as Musk said that video downloading will become as simple as downloading an image in the time ahead.

Twitter video download capability

X (Twitter) app gets video download capability, but there’s a catch

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