Google Calendar event sharing feature

Google Calendar to make event sharing easier with an incredible feature

Google Calendar is hearsay to get a much-needed upgrade in the future that will introduce an all-new event-sharing feature. As the name reflects, the implementation of this capability will make event link sharing easier and much more efficient for users.

Since March 2023, the US tech giant has been juggling with the event-sharing feature for Google Calendar. Although at that time, things were not falling right. But recently, a Twitter account named @AssembleDebug mentioned some good notes on this matter.

According to the latest inputs, the feature is now in work and will help in saving users from the hustle and bustle of editing each event and manually adding it to every invitee’s email address. This method will be way more convenient than the old procedure.

Eventually, users will find a significant Share button under the event name and date. Clicking on this tab will show up a standard Android share sheet, which will be similar to the one used for sharing images, documents, and other important files.

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Here, you can select the communication app of your choice such as Telegram, and WhatsApp, and send an event link to the planned invitees. In response, the recipient of the link can select the Yes, No, or Maybe options. In the same way, the app will share a tab to Join with Google Meet, when a Meet link is attached.

Google Calendar event sharing feature

Google Calendar to make event sharing easier with an incredible feature

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