
Apple wants Samsung and LG to develop foldable display for iPad/iPhone

Apple foldable iPhone display

Most major smartphone manufacturers have their own foldable smartphone range, Apple also wants to be a part of the foldable smartphone market and is preparing to bring the first foldable iPhone to the market very soon.

A recent information by Korean media – TheElec reports that Apple wants Samsung and LG to develop a display of its upcoming foldable iPhone that won’t crumble (Via).


A crease is the biggest concern of every foldable smartphone as they don’t look good on the display. Samsung recently launched the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4 smartphones, where the company has significantly worked on reducing the display cease and fortunately, it gets a success.

Apple foldable iPhone display

The US tech giant also aims at vanishing the crease and small crumples that appear on the foldable display. Therefore, Apple wants Samsung to develop a foldable display for iPhone with the help of LG brand manufacturers.

Reportedly, the first Apple foldable iPhone will equip a hybrid OLED panel in order to offer a creaseless display. And, Samsung and LG are developing an ultra-thin glass substrate for use in this hybrid OLED panel, which would be 2mm thin, rather than the typical 5mm.

Furthermore, since the Apple foldable iPhone/Ipad display is under development and not at a stage for commercialization, the display technology may not reach Apple’s supply chain for a few years.

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