
Here’s how to increase battery life on your OnePlus 10 Pro phone

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OnePlus 10 Pro counts as the flagship and the most iconic phone in the market. The device showcases robust camera features and tech-pack elements that offer a good enough experience to its users. However, OnePlus 10 Pro holders are often stuck with battery life problems and issues.

In recent times, we come across many consumers dealing with battery-draining issues. To our surprise, a maximum number of users were carrying OnePlus 10 Pro in their hands. Eventually, even with various eye-catching features, the battery life of the OnePlus 10 Pro made a bad impression on users.

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But don’t worry as we have discovered a few tips that might help you in saving the battery consumption on your high-end device to some extent. Interestingly, by just making a handful of amendments to your smartphone, you will be able to see amazing results.

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To begin with, you have to enable developer options in your OnePlus 10 Pro gadget to change a few settings. Once enabled, switch to the 4G network (Preferred network type). For your information, this action will not affect your communication or connectivity functions.

Next, change the screen refresh rate to the standard 60Hz. The only demerit of this modification is that the icon animation might get slow or not look good as before. However, you need to make these changes to get a better power backup.

Although to make the handset move fast and smooth with transitions, you can opt for the following alterations:

  • Window animation scale: 0.5x
  • Transition animation scale: 0.5
  • Animator duration: 0.5

In addition, check the Bluetooth connection and set the ‘Maximum connected Bluetooth audio devices on 3’. Notably, when the Bluetooth of a device remains off, the battery works more efficiently, as the phone consumes less energy. If you use fewer than three connected devices, then you can set the number accordingly.

After enabling these settings on my OnePlus 10 Pro phone, I noticed the battery level was above 30% even after daily activities. Thus, you should try these tricks to get relief from battery issues.

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