
Samsung tipped to pack Galaxy S26 Ultra with 320-megapixel camera

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We have not yet seen the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S24 series and the rumors for Galaxy S26 have started to hover on the web, which suggests a major camera upgrade for the Ultra model. We know it’s too early to talk about the smartphone models that are expected to make their debut in the year 2026.

But as this information seems interesting, so let’s discuss it. As per the input, Samsung might pack Galaxy S26 Ultra with an upgraded 320-megapixel camera sensor, which will take the photography experience to a new level. However, the company could also be unveiling three new ISOCELL camera sensors in the coming half of 2024.

But that might not be used in Samsung products, moving on, the leak also reveals that the 200-megapixel ISOCELL HP7 camera was initially planned for Galaxy S25 Ultra. But skipping this upgrade, Samsung may equip Galaxy S26 Ultra with a 320-megapixel sensor.



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