Samsung Electronics is going to release its first organic OLED television featuring each and every component to be wholeheartedly manufactured. Previously we have put a light on Samsung’s manufacturing plan, now we will discuss more on it.
As per the info, ‘Korean JoongAng Daily’ Samsung has possibly taken this decision to boost OLED production, for which it was previously dependent on LG Display for OLED panels, and is also presently affected by the short supplies of finished components for TV production and market supply.
Samsung said “We’ve decided to bring the Samsung OLED models to North America and Europe through advance orders because Samsung Display’s capacity is not able to cover the entire market,” said a spokesperson at Samsung Electronics.
Additionally, the other player LG Display is also unable to provide sufficient display panels, even after having the production capability of 1,70,000 units, at its plants in Paju, Gyeonggi, and Guangzhou, China.
Benefits with Self-manufacturing?
According to us, it is a very bold move by Samsung. In this sole manufacturing, the company can have more R&D and will save enough penny that is unnecessarily invested in transportation, for the collection of various OLED components, and moreover, this could also save a lot of time. It is better if Samsung could manage to bring those component production units to one place.
Entering into self-manufacturing and increasing the foundry capacity will create a big difference with Chinese manufacturers, and could see a major price drop in their finished market products.
As Samsung’s commitment has represented its plan to supply new OLEDs globally, in a queue to boost its production and meet the desired market demands, it has jumped into organic OLED production. Meanwhile, LG and others are now busy doing their aftermaths of sales and supplies.