
Google makes a simple way to share files with Nearby Share

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Google has launched a new feature – Nearby share for Android devices, which helps users to easily share files, photos, links, and more. Google is hoping to make a simpler way of sharing files for Android users by Nearby Share.

However, this feature is not a completely new feature for Android users. It’s just that Google is telling us that the feature is now out of beta and ready for many more users to start using it.

Currently, Nearby Share is rolling out to a set of Google Pixel and Samsung users with phones running Android 6.0+ and other Google partners will also receive access in the coming weeks.

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About Nearby Share:

Nearby share establishes direct connections between devices to help you easily share files, photos, links, etc. over Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, WebRTC, or peer-to-peer WiFi. It works whether you’re online or offline, encrypts the connection, and gives users control over whether nearby people can see them as a shared point.

To use the Nearby share, you’ll have to click on share button within the app you’re using as if you were going to share on Gmail or a messaging app, then look for a new “Nearby” logo that will start the process. If the tools are available (they need to be somewhat together), they will pop-up and tap you to share them quickly.

Now you don’t have to worry about exchanging contact information, as Near Share allows you to send and receive files anonymously. This allows you to adjust your privacy settings at any time from your phone’s Quick Settings. You can appear “hidden,” for “some contacts” or “visible to all contacts”, so you never get files that you didn’t ask for.

Google is also working on giving Chromebooks access to a nearby share, so you can send and receive files between Chromebooks and Android devices. In the coming months, this feature will be added.

*If you’ve something to share, send us on tip@rprna.com.

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