
Android 13 features native support for Braille Display technology

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Google has taken the major step for Android 13 by enabling the support of Braille Display technology. Although, the company has already developed the braille display tech. But, it was only available through the gateway application or with the virtual keyboard. For the first time, the US manufacturer is initiating the technology to the Android system.


Consequently, the users will not require any other application or any equipment to use the display. The Braille Display technology with Android 13 mainly appears with the support of a Talkback screen reader. Thus, users will be able to have access to a bunch of Talkback features. For instance, navigating the interface, and shortcuts for common tasks.

Hence, instead of using a secondary source such as the BrailleBack app and TalkBack Braille keyboard users will be able to access the tech through Talkback. Further, it will also exhibit the use of physical inputs for braille rather than just the virtual ones. We can say that a bunch of new features and technologies will land with Android 13.

According to the latest information, the respective technology will come alongside the next Android 13 beta update. It proves to be an aid for users who are facing eyesight issues.


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