
Android unknown tracker alerts begin rolling out to Android 6.0+ users

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Android unknown tracker alerts feature is an advanced way to protect your handset as well as your essentials from stalking. The capability came into existence in May 2023 at the I/O event and has finally started making its way to users with Android 6.0+ operating systems.

From the name, Android unknown tracker alerts enable you to receive a notification when someone else’s Bluetooth tracker is traveling with you. In addition, it combines three functionalities that let you take quick actions to prevent stalking scenarios.

1. Automatic Alerts for Unknown Trackers

Unknown Tracker Alerts help you notifying on your compatible Android phone if an alien Bluetooth tracker is separated from its owner and attached to you. The feature is currently working with Apple AirTags. Though the tech maker will expand it to other tracking tags in the time ahead.

2. Take Action

After fetching a prompt, you can get tips on how to take action on this hidden tracking. On bringing the device near the back of your phone, some Bluetooth trackers may share their serial numbers or some additional inputs about the owner of the device.

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3. Manual Scan facility

Often we prefer to talk a quick scan of our surroundings without spending minutes receiving an alert. At that time, you can visit Settings > Safety & Emergency > Unknown Tracker Alerts and tap the “Scan Now” tab. Within 10 seconds, your handset will complete a manual scan, showing a list of trackers nearby you, separated from their owner’s device.

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