
Apple may face iPad and Mac shortages due to ongoing chip crises: Tim Cook

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Apple CEO Tim Cook warned that due to chip shortages in the second half of this year, Macs and iPads could be in short supply.

In addition to strong iPhone sales, iPads and Macs also posted strong growth, judging by the financial report released by Apple. IPad revenue was $ 7.807 billion, up from $ 4.368 billion in the same period last year. The growth was 78.7% year on year. Mac revenue was $ 9.102 billion, up 70% year over year.

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However, during a conference call, when Tim Cook was asked about his expectations for iPad and Mac shipments in the second half of this year, he said he could not provide details, but expects that supply issues could affect the iPad and Mac product lines.

According to Cook, the global chip shortage will mainly affect iPads and Macs, with the problem on the supply side, not the demand side.

At the same time, Apple CFO Luca Maestry also said that due to restrictions on iPad and Mac shipments, they expect to see revenue decline in the next fiscal quarter by $ 3-4 billion.

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