
Apple was world’s no.1 smartphone vendor in Q4 2019, Samsung was largest vendor in 2019

According to the report by Strategy Analytics, global smartphone shipments reach 375 million units in the Q4 of 2019 with zero growth. In 2019, total smartphone shipments were 1.4 billion units.

The US company, Apple, grabbed the first position in the global smartphone market share with 19%, the Korean company, Samsung, was in the second position, while the Chinese company, Huawei, dropped to the third position with 15% share.

In Q4 2019, Apple shipped 70.7 million iPhones with a 7% growth from 65.9 million units in Q4 2018. It was the best growth performance for Apple since 2015. Apple’s global smartphone market share has lifted from 18% to 19%, thank to iPhone 11 series.

Read More: Apple now has more than 1.5 billion active device, iOS 13 installed on 70% of iPhones

About Samsung, it shipped 68.8 million smartphones worldwide in Q4 2019, 1% less from 69.3 million in Q4 2018. Samsung’s global market share stayed flat at 18%. In 2019, Samsung remains on top with a 21% market share.

About Huawei, the Chinese company has dropped to third place with 56 million smartphone shipments in Q4 2019, with a 7% loss from 60.5 million in Q4 2018. The global market share dropped to 15% from 16% in 2019.

Another Chinese company, Xiaomi, was in fourth place with a 9% global smartphone market share in Q4 2019, 2% more than Q4 2018. While OPPO was in the fifth position with an 8% global market share during Q4 2019, same as the last year.

Linda Sui, Director at Strategy Analytics, said, “Global smartphone shipments grew zero percent annually from 376.0 million units in Q4 2018 to 374.5 million in Q4 2019. Worldwide smartphone demand remains mixed for now, with sharp declines in China balanced by strong growth across India and Africa. Full-year smartphone shipments hit 1.41 billion in 2019, dipping 1 percent from 1.43 billion in 2018, due to mild inventory build in the second half of the year. Looking ahead, US trade wars and the China coronavirus scare will be among barriers to growth for smartphones in 2020.”

Read the complete report here.

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