
Apple XR device code-name is N301: Report

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According to Digitimes reports, Apple is carefully crafting its first XR headset (probably AR or MR). According to supply chain sources, the extended reality (XR) device named N301 is determined to be exclusively assembled by Pegatron and is expected to be mass-produced by the end of the first quarter of 2023.

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Moreover, XR stands for Extended Reality, which refers to a combination of real and virtual environments and human-computer interaction equipment. It is calculated by computer technology and wearable devices. It is the current or future space computing technology.

It is worth mentioning that XR is actually a general term, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). There are multiple layers to XR, from virtual worlds with limited sensor input to fully immersive virtual worlds.

In addition, people in the industry said that in order to build its first AR head-mounted display, Apple spared no expense and also required supply chain cooperation. Even institutional assembly needs to use a semiconductor clean room production line to avoid dust affecting production.

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