
Apple’s new iOS policy has little impact on YouTube’s revenue: Google

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This afternoon, Alphabet – Google’s parent company released its financial report for the third quarter of the financial year 2021, which was till September 30.

The report shows that AL’s total revenue Fabet third quarter was $ 65.118 billion, compared with the US $ 46.173 billion a year ago, an increase of 41%, an increase of 39% is affected by not including the exchange rate.


According to US GAAP, Alphabet’s net profit in the third quarter was US$18.936 billion, up 68% compared to US$11.247 billion in the same period last year.

After the results were announced, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, CFO Ruth Porat, and Chief Brand Officer Philipp Schindler held an analyst conference call and answered Related business issues. The following is a record of related issues:

Record of related issues:

Mark Mahaney SI analyst: First question, the new policy Apple App tracking transparency (ATT) so that part of it helps advertisers to abandon the iOS platform, and turn to Google services?

Another question is to Philip or Ruth. In addition to the increase in profit margins being related to higher-than-expected revenue and exchange rates, has the company’s business operation efficiency improved to a certain extent?

Ruth Porat: It is mainly due to revenue growth and time delay. The recent cost level is relatively fixed, which is reflected in gross profit margin and operating profit margin. The company will continue to invest in supporting Google services. And the growth of Google Cloud business. 

Our capital investment focus is also on long-term growth and innovation, focusing on long-term opportunities. At the same time, we will continue to pay attention to and invest in the leading results of each business.

In addition, we will continue to focus on what we call “Excellence Action” projects to ensure High-quality fulfillment of the commitments of all stakeholders, including our work in privacy, security, and cleanup of inappropriate content, and we will continue to invest in this area. 

There are other investment additions and subtractions, but overall we hope to achieve high-quality business performance.

Sundar Pichai: Regarding the issue of user transfer, we have not noticed a very obvious change.

JPMorgan Chase analyst Doug Anmuth: Two questions. Does Apple’s iOS policy change affect the company’s business, especially the YouTube business? In addition, as the biggest driving force of the company’s service business growth, will the retail business be affected by issues such as supply chain and labor shortages in the fourth quarter?

Ruth Porat: The company achieved satisfactory results in all business lines and markets in the third quarter. The iOS New Deal has little impact on Youtube’s revenue, which is mainly reflected in the direct response to advertising. The company has always attached great importance to privacy protection.

Philip Schindler: ATT is just one aspect of the adjustment of the ecosystem. The company has invested in privacy protection for many years, focusing on providing support for developers, advertisers, content producers and publishers, and alleviating the impact on its business.

Our view is that the development of digital advertising must be based on the advancement of equipment technology and privacy protection, which also supports the free and open features of the Internet and the advertising ecosystem. 

Regarding the issue of the supply chain, we have observed the impact on the automotive industry, but these impacts have been offset by the increase in demand in other related areas such as parts, repairs, and maintenance.

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