
Chrome raises alarm bells for risky downloads

Key Points:

  • Enhanced full-screen warning for dangerous downloads.
  • Users must justify bypassing the warning.
  • Feature available as an experimental setting.

In an era where digital safety is paramount, Google Chrome is taking decisive steps to bolster its defense against potentially harmful downloads. Previously, Chrome’s warnings for dangerous downloads were limited to modest, easily overlooked dialog boxes. However, the latest development sees these warnings becoming significantly more prominent, occupying the entire browser page, and signaling an urgent call for user vigilance.

The new full-screen warning, known internally as “DangerousDownloadInterstitial,” retains the same cautionary message as its predecessor. It alerts users that the file in question may contain malware or originate from a suspicious website. This warning includes a link providing detailed information on why Google has flagged the download. Despite the heightened alert, users still retain the option to proceed with the download or retreat to safety.

Should a user choose to proceed, they must now provide a reason for taking the risk. Options include assertions such as “I created this file,” “I trust the website,” or “I am willing to accept the risk,” thereby emphasizing user accountability.

This enhanced warning system is currently available as an experimental feature. Users can enable it by navigating to chrome://flags, activating the “Download Warning Improvements” option, and restarting the browser.


Chrome raises alarm bells for risky downloads

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