
First ever Apple 1 computer is available on eBay worth 1.5 million USD

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Apple started the business with its computers and the first-ever computer was the Apple 1 computer which was built by the founders of the company, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. These antique products are listed on eBay from time to time at a cost that is almost unaffordable.

As per the eBay listing, the Apple 1 computer is one of the six that is built with the original Byte Shop KOA wood. The computer is available on the site for around 1.5 million USD and it is still in working condition with an unmodified MTI motherboard.

Along with the original computer, the buyers will also get a Sony TV-115 monitor with a video modulator. Although there are some minor parts replaced that as its video, keyboard connector, and a slight difference in the connector pin.

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Previously the last Apple-1 computer that was sold in the year 2014 was sold for 905,000 USD. According to the seller, this computer was originally purchased second-hand from a Canadian computer store in 1978 for some hundreds of dollars. And now it is currently available on eBay and it will be exciting to note that at what actual cost the computer will be sold.


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