
Fortnite season 6, week 7 challenges and how to complete them

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This is the new week, which means Fortnite has updated its challenge list. We are now in the Season 6 of the 7th week and for these new challenges, players need to get acquainted with the game’s weapon types and some object positions.

Once again, experienced players face challenges this week, newcomers need less help, especially finding specific weapon types.

Regardless of your skill level, our Challenge Guide will be useful to you. In this guide, we will face all the new challenges and get tips through the difficult ones. Here are Fortnite’s new challenges and how to complete the more difficult quests.

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Fortnite Season 6, week 7 challenge list

As always, we recommend reviewing the challenge list before jumping and playing. You have an idea of ​​what to do before the match. The full list of new challenges is as follows:

  • Makeshift weapon elimination (1)
  • Primal weapon elimination (1)
  • Mechanical weapon elimination (1)
  • Mark weapons of different rarity (1)
  • Collect meat or peppers (5)
  • Consume foraged items (3)
  • Hunt raptors (2)

The challenges this week are mostly self-explanatory, with no hidden collective need or need to go to areas unnamed on the map. If you are new to the game, you can make mistakes in completing weapons, but the challenges below are too much for us to complete.

In addition, you should eat items made of rust, locate weapons and close the raptor naturally while you play. However, here are some guides to the tough challenges this week.

  • Get Makeshift, Primal, and Mechanical weapon eliminations
  • Hunt raptors
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