
Google Android 12 to automatically translate app’s UI to user’s native language

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With the counting days, the Android 12 is making its mark with a number of leaked features. Recently, we have known an issue of the upcoming version of Android OS that allows users to manage the recycle bin feature to restore deleted files.

And we now have another news regarding one of the upcoming features of the Android 12, courtesy of XDADevelopers. According to the information, the blog spotted two new permissions in the Android 12: BIND_TRANSLATION_SERVICE and MANAGE_UI_TRANSLATION.

Therefore, it is expected that these two permissions could enable the App to be bound to the translation API by automatically adapting to multiple languages ​​for the App UI.

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Currently, the blog has not found the relevant API in Google Translate, and it looks like Google has not forced the use of its own translation software, Google Translate. If this function is implemented, it will greatly reduce the localization work of many small development teams, and will also be able to gain more user groups.

At present, the third-party applications can automatically translate App UI, but the Xposed framework needs to be installed that also poses a certain risk to the security of the phone.

By adding an auto-translation function, Google can greatly enhance the user experience and app adaptability, which will be better than third-party applications. Lastly, we suggest you take this info as a pinch of salt as we’re months away from the stable Android 12 release.

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