
Google Android Studio receiving new logo

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Google held the Android Developer Summit this week, launching the latest tools for Android application developers. According to the 9To5Google, Google also quietly launched a new logo for Android Studio.

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As you can see from the picture, the old logo has a compass in front of the blueprint, and the Android robot sticks its head out of it. The new logo ditched the blueprint, the compass looked more like an “A”, and the Android robot stuck its head out from the right.

It is worth noting that this new logo will not be available to all developers, but only appeared in the latest Android Studio Flamingo (2022.2.1) preview version, and the stable version is still using the old logo.

The Flamingo version of Android Studio adds several new features, including an IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 update, improvements to the Layout Inspector, setting the Network Inspector to display all traffic data for the full timeline by default, and better app quality Insights, new search filters, and more.

The new logo highlights the compass design and even returns to the earlier logo elements of Android Studio. Which one do you think looks better?

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