
Google Cloud achieved new records with its Compute Engine service

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According to the latest report, Google Cloud said in a press release on Wednesday that Google’s cloud service has broken the record it set in 2019, calculating the 100 trillion pi number, Last time, Google Cloud pinpointed pi to 31.4 trillion digits.


Moreover, Google Cloud calculations show that the last 100 digits of the 100 trillion pi number are: 4658718895 1242883556 4671544483 9873493812 1206904813 2656719174 5255431487 2142102057 70777336434.

Furthermore, Google Cloud said it achieved new records with its Compute Engine service, which includes new features like N2 machine family, virtual NIC @ 100 Gbps egress bandwidth, and balanced Persistent Disks.  Google Cloud is officially contacting the Guinness World Records to verify its feat.


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