
Google is improving the share sheet with Android 14

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Android 14 Beta 4 has jumped on the ground with several tweaks, and a few of them are saved for the share sheet. The information reveals that the US tech giant is improving the share sheet in the upcoming software update and adding a more clear and polished look to it.

Consequently, Android 14 shows noticeable changes for the share sheet in its latest beta firmware. To begin with, the share sheet will now count five icons on typical devices. This will result in effective visibility of the options on the screen at a time.

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Another significant addition is that the share sheet informs you what you are sharing and where it came from. For example, if you share a website from Chrome, you will see the ‘Sharing a link’ dialog and the website address. On the flip side, if you will share the text, you can copy it easily. Whereas, sharing an image will let you edit it.


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