
Huawei slipped out of the top five rankings for the first time in years in global smartphone market: Report

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With the start of the fresh quarter, it’s time to look back at the stats of the previous quarter of last year. These stats were good for some phone makers while the others are disappointed with their performance.

Apple became the leading brand in the fourth quarter of the year, with the highest amount of iPhone sales. The US tech giant has been ranked first with 81.8 million iPhone shipped that accounts for a 4% growth over the last year. Thanks to the iPhone 12 sales, even though the lineup arrived late this time, it managed to get consumer attention due to the new design and 5G connectivity.

Whereas Samsung was disappointed with shipment and slipped to the second position. The Korean tech giant has shipped a total of 62 million of the smartphone within the quarter with 17% market share. The other three spots in the top 5 were marked by the Chinese phone makers including Xiaomi in the third-place while Oppo and Vivo in fourth and fifth respectively.

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Another Chinese tech giant, Huawei has encountered a sudden decline in its sale in the fourth quarter of the year. The company slipped down to the sixth position which is very disappointing as it was ranked third in the same quarter of last year.

Looking at the stats from the last year Huawei has shipped a total of 56.2 million units in Q4, 2019. Whereas, the company saw a drastic decline in the same quarter this year with only 33 million shipments.

The reason for declining sales is the restriction imposed by the US in 2019, this prohibits the company from making any business deals for purchasing components and software services that are required for any smartphone.

After the restrictions from the US, Huawei smartphones are not able to use the Google mobile services which are needed, in order to run the Google applications such as Play Store and Youtube. As per this effect the company has introduced its own Huawei Mobile services against Google of its smartphones.

Also recently before the end of the presidency, Donal Trump has also canceled the licenses of all the Huawei suppliers including Intel. However, things could change in the favor of Huawei as the newly elected president of the US, Joe Biden has taken the charge.

(Source – Counterpoint Research, Canalys)

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