
League of Legends 11.4 update brings Teamfight Tactics patch with upgrade Grievous Wounds items

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League of Legends is a 2009 multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games. The Custom map for Warcraft III inspired by Defense of the Ancient.

Last week, League of Legends rollout the 11.3 update patch with several new features. At this point, the developer has divided beat change into 6 categories – Tank, Wizard, Marksman, Fighter, Mage, and Sustain Items.

To maintain this, the developer continues to re-evaluate systemic updates by adjusting the statistics around the Omnivamp on powerful objects such as the Goredrinker and Streaks Gage.

Recently, the developer of League of Legends releases another 11.4 updates to break down the changes in the Festival with an all freestyle record. The latest 11.4 patch brings small mini-rework to the chosen system along with changes to Lanterns, dominant Traits, and reroll carries to promote comp pivots and create new combinations. So pick that Club 2 beat and get ready for a change, which will double-check the receipt.

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All things considered, ARURF is back, better than ever. And jungle position nerfs, we’re going a little buff heavy on champs without too much risk of power creep. This has made some changes in the light of the new item landscape, so get ready to take a quick look.

What’s new in the 11.4 Patch:

Lucky Lanterns

 Rollin into Club 2, DJ Ox what ya up to? Loaded up with those dice, Dango life’s lookin nice. Target dummies all around, all these Lucky Lanterns astound. Edge cases swing games, but using em takes brains. So we’re keepin them around, for there’s fun times abound.

  • Stage 3 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 2 Loaded Dice or 2 Target Dummies.
  • Stage 4 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 2 Loaded Dice or 2 Target Dummies.
  • Stage 4 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 3 Item Components.


 Let it go like Frozen, didn’t roll no Chosen. Maybe in the next shop, bout to break my laptop. Now we get em more times, under all new confines. Chosen bonus stats down, 200 hp sticks around.

  • Chosen Base Odds: 33%-50%
  • Rolling Odds for Level 4: 60/40/0/0/0%-80/20/0/0/0%
  • Chosen Bonus Spell Power: 30-15
  • Chosen Bonus Attack Damage: 20-10
  • Chosen Bonus Mana Reduction: 25-15%
  • Chosen Bonus Health: 400-300 (The bonus 200 health baseline that Chosens receive just for being Chosen is not affected here)


 Traits are too strong, something’s goin wrong. Can’t adapt in mid game, reroll comps put me to shame. Brawler’s AD and Health goin down, Elder still makes me a clown. Warlord, oh lord, this one really strikes a chord. Galio, free-throw, Dragonsoul won’t make ya go.

  • Assassin Crit Chance:10/30/55 – 10/30/50
  • Assassin Bonus Crit Damage:25/60/100 – 25/55/90
  • Brawler Health: 400/700/1000/1600 – 400/700/1000/1400
  • Brawler Attack Damage: 10/20/60/120 -10/20/40/80
  • Cultist Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9): Bonus Magic Resist: 20 – 60 (100 total)
  • Dragonsoul Blast Damage: 50% – 40% max Health
  • Dragonsoul Spell Power and Attack Speed: 40/80/160% – 40/70/140%
  • Divine True Damage & Damage Reduction: 35/45/55/65 – 25/40/55/70
  • Duelist Attack Speed: 15/25/40/60% – 12/20/35/60%
  • Elderwood Armor and Magic Resist: 15/25/40 – 15/20/30
  • Elderwood Attack Damage and Spell Power: 5/10/20 – 5/10/15
  • Warlord Health: 250/500/850 – 250/400/700
  • Warlord Spell Power: 25/50/85 – 25/40/70


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