
Nearby Share simplifies file sharing with new QR code scanning feature

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Google is working on several developments at a time and the latest one is a new QR code scanning feature for Nearby Share. Eventually, this tweak is said to make file-sharing operations much better and easier than ever. How? Let’s find it out.

According to the inputs, the Nearby Share will soon get the ability to share files or other content using a QR code feature. As the term suggests, it will show a QR code option on the sender’s device at the bottom of the dialog box. Tapping on the option will present a QR code that the receiver can scan using a QR code reading app.

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The action will take place when your device won’t be able to connect with any nearby devices. Once scanned, the two handy gadgets will pair and begin the transfer of files. The feature is still under development though we could soon find it emerging on the user ground.

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