
OnePlus restored App Icon badge feature in OxygenOS 13

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OnePlus has baked the latest OxygenOS 13 with several new features and functions for its devices. However, in comparison to previous versions, OnePlus smartphone users found some features missing in the high-end OxygenOS 13, and one of them is the App Icon badge feature.

To be mentioned, the App Icon badge displays the number of messages or notifications within an application. If any app on your device has a notification, it will appear as a small circle or a number at the corner of the application icon. In simple words, it helps in identifying when an app contains a message for the user.

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Unfortunately, after installing the newest OxygenOS 13, many users discover that the App Icon badge feature is missing from the device. Although, it doesn’t affect the system much. Yet, the respective feature remained a thoughtful element in the OnePlus smartphones.

Hence, users come up with their complaints regarding the OxygenOS 13 App Icon badge feature. Accordingly, the company responded to look after the feature and take an action on this concept as soon as possible.

As of now, the company has put back the App Icon badge feature in OxygenOS 13. Further, it has recommended that users can experience the corresponding feature with the latest software updates in their handsets. Here is the following statement from OnePlus:

We’ve restored this feature in OxygenOS 13 based on the feedback from the community, and you’ll experience this feature when you update to the latest build.

In addition to the above statement, the company has also assured that it will keep optimizing the feature to enrich the user experience. It’s worth mentioning that only a few applications are eligible and can support this feature for the moment. This is so because the feature requires the adaptation of third-party apps.

How to enable the App Icon Badge feature?

It’s quite easy to enable and access the respective feature on your OnePlus smartphone. Just follow the below-given instructions:

  • Open the Settings app
  • Select the Notifications and Status Bar option
  • Tap on the App Icon Badges
  • Choose Badge

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