
PUBG 12.1 update introduces new map Miramar World, weapon skin upgrade, quality improvements, and more

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PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds‘ newest update, Update 12.1, brings with it a remaster of Miramar. PUBG Update 12.1 is available on PC right now. Consoles will be getting the update on June 10.

The map was slightly refreshed back in 2019, but the new update gives it a visual overhaul making use of technology and technique used in newer maps like Paramo and Haven.

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Miramar World Update

Miramar holds a special place in our hearts; launched alongside PUBG 1.0 in December 2017 they’re thrilled to show you the improvements made for Season 12.

Throughout the map, developers have focused on improving the overall visual quality (lighting especially) while also keeping a close eye on improving player interactions with the environment to improve your gameplay experience.

Expect an overall smoother experience, with reduced object clutter, less troublesome coastlines, adjusted cover across the map, and more.

While points of interest will still feel very familiar, they’ve introduced key changes to improve core gameplay and keep things feeling fresh. Keep an eye out and let us know what you think!

The following items have been added to the Miramar loot table:

  • Jammer Packs
  • Decoy Grenades
  • Emergency Parachutes

PUBG Update 12.1 Details

Alongside the remastering of the Miramar map, here are a few other things you can look forward to in PUBG’s latest update.

  • El Solitario Collaboration: Set to go on through the end of the year, players can get El Solitario-themed cosmetics, as well as the Desert Wolves off-road bike. Two outfits that are part of the collaboration are currently available—the El Solitario Biker Set, and the El Solitario Wolf Set. Both sets come with unique helmets, bodysuits, gloves, and boots.
  • New Ranked Season: With the latest update, PUBG is kicking off a new season for its ranked mode. Rewards earned by players during the previous season will be automatically added to their inventories. The new ranked season will run for two months.
  • Weapon Skin Upgrade System: Update 12.1 is bringing with it a new weapon skin upgrade system, which allows players to evolve the look of cosmetics. Only certain weapon skins can be upgraded this way, and the process requires in-game materials and goods. The new upgradeable skins can be acquired from the Weapon Skin Lucky Box.
  • New Weapon: PUBG’s newest weapon is the L6 Lynx AMR. Available through Care Packages in normal matches in Miramar, the L6 Lynx AMR is the first Anti-Material Rifle in the game. The new rifle will be capable of taking out armoured players or vehicles effectively. The weapon has been specifically designed to be a hard counter against vehicles.
  • New Vehicle: Update 12.1’s remaster of Miramar brings with it a new all-terrain vehicle. The vehicle has been modelled after a racing-style ATV and includes a rear seat for a second player.
  • Lobby Ball: Players can now find and play with a football on the starting island as they wait for the match to start.

New Weapon – Lynx AMR

The Lynx AMR is PUBG’s first Anti-Materiel Rifle, a semi-automatic crate gun capable of damaging military equipment and armor, in addition to players and vehicles.

Intended as a hard counter to vehicles, the Lynx is also effective in any situations you’d find yourself wanting to scope in and shoot down an enemy.

  • PUBG’s first .50 caliber weapon
  • The Lynx AMR is first and foremost the best anti-vehicle sniper rifle in the game, capable of destroying BRDMs and even penetrating the windows to kill its occupants.
    • Capable of destroying weak vehicles like motorcycles in a single shot and most regular vehicles in two or three shots.
  • Players have five shots only, with no way to reload.
  • Spawns in Care Package only on Miramar in Normal Matches. In a future update, the Lynx will be added to Custom Matches and Training Mode

New Vehicle – Quad

The Quad is an off-road vehicle with four low-pressure tires and a driver seat designed to be straddled by the operator, with handlebars for steering control, with room on the back for a teammate. Modeled after a racing-style ATV, get ready to explore the Battlegrounds on this all-terrain monster we call the Quad.

  • Seats: 2
  • Health: 750
  • Maximum Speed: 110 km/h (125 km/h at maximum boost)
  • Maximum Range: 24.4 km (18.5 km at maximum boost)
  • Only spawns on Miramar.
  • Will be added to in Custom Matches and Training Mode in a future update.

Roadster (El Solitario) Motorcycle
A certain percentage of all motorcycles, including two and three-seaters, will spawn as Roadster Motorcycles.

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