On September 15, Xiaomi added a new member to its television lineup, by introducing the all-new Smart TV Fire 4K. However, after...
The eye-catching leaked renders of the Redmi 13C smartphone had earlier caught attention and now the upcoming device has appeared in IMEI...
Xiaomi is dispatching the improvements and fixes of the September 2023 MIUI update for the global users of Redmi 12 5G. To...
Users and tech enthusiasts are eagerly waiting for the next Xiaomi’s flagship lineup to hit the markets, meanwhile, Xiaomi 14 Pro has...
A few weeks back, Xiaomi unveiled the Redmi Note 13 series, consisting of three models, the Note 13, Note 13 Pro and...
Besides several high-end models, the Chinese tech maker is also preparing to unveil the budget smartphone, Redmi 13C which will be the...
The Chinese tech maker has started dispatching a new MIUI update for the Xiaomi 11 Pro smartphone users in China, which installs...
Last week, Xiaomi unveiled the Redmi Note 13 series in the Chinese market, which includes three models, the Note 13, Note 13...
On September 21, 2023, Xiaomi unveiled the most sophisticated device in the Chinese market namely the Redmi Note 13 series, and now...
Xiaomi has once again left its mark with the global launch of the Xiaomi 13T series. The standard model of the lineup...