The MLB The Show set a “new franchise high” in terms of dollar sales during the best-selling game and launch month in...
Recently, Sony unveiled 14-minute gameplay for the upcoming Horizon Forbidden West, and protagonist Aloy has plenty of new gadgets on his sleeve....
According to the latest information, “Gold Rush The Game‘ will be available on PlayStation 4 May 28. This original gold-mining experience is...
Like every other game, Call of Duty developers is continually dealing with the use of unauthorized third-party programs that the company does not...
Call of Duty leaving behind the honor, glory, and beautiful aesthetic that is Season 3: Tokyo Escape and traveling back to the...
Season of Splicer brings a new game mode to Destiny 2. Override is a six-player matchmade activity that connects directly to Spliser’s...
As we go deeper into 2021, the harsh reality unfolds for gamers, the big delays are huge. In our 2011 estimates, we...
There was a lot of talk about the return of the Virtual Fighter and Sega finally made it official. As part of...
Recently to a new rumor from the esteemed leaker, the E3 will release five new games at E3 2021 next month. The...
Sony is still deciding whether to bring the Cyberpunk 2077 back to the PlayStation Store, according to CD Project Red. At a...