
AMD processor performance shorten under Win11, the patch released on October 19

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After the release of Microsoft Windows 11, some users of AMD Ryzen processors found that the performance of their computers has dropped significantly, with a maximum drop of 15%. There are two reasons for this problem one is the problem of L3 cache delay, and the other is the problem of UEFI CPPC2 coprocessor performance control configuration.

AMD claims that the increased latency of the processor’s L3 cache under Win11 mainly affects applications that are sensitive to the access time of the memory subsystem. The impact on performance is usually 3-5%, but the impact on e-sports games can reach 10- 15%.

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In order to solve this bug, both AMD and Microsoft will release a repair patch on October 19. The issue of UEFI CPPC has also been resolved. AMD will release the GA version of the driver on October 21 to fix this bug. However, the official said that OEM customers can directly request a new driver from AMD before that, which can solve the problem of AMD desktop or mobile Ryzen processors running Windows 11.

Moreover, some users’ systems have enabled the “Virtualization-based Security” VBS function by default, which will cause the overall performance of the computer to drop significantly, up to 30%. Although this function is designed for safety, users who are susceptible to performance can manually turn it off. It should be noted that this feature also endures in the Win10 system, and it can be turned on only by relying on the virtualization function of the motherboard and the processor.

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