
Apple Mac developers plan to include AI in their apps

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Apple Mac developers are reportedly planning to include AI-powered features and capabilities in their apps. That says the new Setapp third annual report, which depicts that almost 50% of Mac developers are considering the addition of AI in their apps, following users’ demands and daily requirements.

The report has collected responses from 1241 Mac users on their experience with their devices. Eventually, the survey notes that 42% of Apple Mac owners use AI-powered apps daily. Among these, 63% stated that they find these tools more beneficial.

On the other hand, the report mentioned that 44% of Mac developers have already initiated AI/ML inclusions in their apps. Meanwhile, 28% of developers are planning to integrate them in the time ahead.

Eventually, the overall results show the growing recognition of the potential of AI to transform the user experience by providing additional assistance and enhancing the overall functionality of apps.


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