
MediaTek revealed a new 5G modem M80 

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MediaTek recently held the Dimensity flagship technology communication meeting. Chen Lifeng, product manager of the Wireless Communications Division, said that MediaTek has launched the Dimensity 5G open architecture, allowing terminal manufacturers to create high-end 5G mobile phones with differentiated experiences.

In addition, the new generation of 5G standard Release 16 has also been officially, and MediaTek’s upcoming 5G modem M80 will be the first flagship product to support 5G R16. According to reports, the goal of MediaTek’s next-generation APU is to be compatible with more frameworks, improve the energy efficiency ratio and enhance the synergy between processors, and improve the overall application experience in scenarios such as imaging, display, and games.

In this regard, MediaTek put forward the concept of “effective computing power per watt” and stated that compared with peak AI computing power, 1W effective computing power is the key indicator to ensure and improve users’ long-term stable experience.

According to Wu Hua, director of MediaTek’s computing and artificial intelligence technology business group, the current consumption of AI in different mobile phone usage scenarios is not consistent, and the effective AI performance per watt is proposed “through communication and negotiation.”

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For example, when taking pictures, multiple functional units will participate. Although it is beneficial for the APU to occupy more power, other parts also have power requirements. Therefore, after the final negotiation, the general consensus is that 1W is the most suitable and can bring the best user experience.

“In photography, it is necessary to provide consumers with a long-term recording experience without being hot, and above the 1W effective computing power, MediaTek’s current flagship platform can achieve the best performance experience.” MediaTek Wireless Communications Division Product Manager Zhuang Shirong said.

In the field of mobile games, the current update speed of mobile games is already very fast. It often occurs after some technical updates, and the original optimizations become invalid. As a result, players can only upgrade the game experience by constantly updating the system. , But in the current situation where the update is mainly obtained through the system OTA upgrade, the game update often takes a lot of time and the experience is poor.

According to Zou Wenshan, Product Manager of MediaTek Wireless Communications Division, MediaTek is currently considering updating all game patches or packages through driver updates. In addition, it will establish forward-looking cooperation with top game manufacturers such as Tencent and Netease through the Dimensity Star Ecological Laboratory, and strive to complete all pre-tests before the new version is released.

The 5G era not only ushered in a spurt of development in the smartphone industry, consumers’ demands have become more and more diversified, and users are no longer satisfied with “what is there for”, but pursue personalized and practical experience. In the first half of this year, MediaTek launched Dimensity 5G open architecture to help terminal manufacturers build high-end 5G mobile phones with differentiated experiences.

What is the difference between the latest Dimensity 5G open architecture and the traditional model? Chen Lifeng, the product manager of the Wireless Communication Division, explained by example that earlier MediaTek’s link was ABCD. The four modules cannot be changed. Manufacturers can adjust the parameters independently. Although later, if the manufacturer has new requirements for the C module, MediaTek will also open the C module. Make changes to the manufacturer, but the overall change is still very small.

However, under the Dimensity 5G open architecture, “MediaTek has opened up the four modules of ABCD. Manufacturers can use the ABCAD method to arrange them, or they can use AABBC to arrange them, and even replace the C in it with the C developed by the manufacturer.” In short, Dimensity’s 5G open architecture has expanded the flexibility of independent design on the MediaTek chip architecture link, and mobile phone manufacturers have more space for autonomous operation.

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