
Microsoft officially announced it will join the JCP program: Report

Microsoft recently announced on its blog that it will increase its investment in Java. It has signed a Java specification participation agreement, called JSPA, and officially joined the JCP (Java Community Process) program.

Heather VanCura, Chairman and Director of Oracle’s JCP Program, said: “Over the past 23 years, the JCP program has worked with the international Java developer community to guide the specification of the Java platform. The JCP program welcomes participation from enterprises, open-source, individuals, and Java users. We are very happy. Welcome Microsoft to join the JCP program, it continues to represent the vibrant Java ecosystem, and we look forward to seeing Microsoft’s contribution.”

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Moreover,  JCP is a mechanism for developing standard technical specifications for Java technology and supports collaboration between individual developers, customers, and vendors who are interested in submitting Java API recommendations.

Microsoft said that since the announcement of the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK in April 2021, Microsoft’s internal Java usage has surpassed Minecraft, with more than 500,000 JVMs running hundreds of internal systems in production. 

In addition to a large amount of internal Java usage, there are many customers and developers coding and running Java on Microsoft Azure and GitHub. Joining the JCP is an important and natural step forward for Microsoft in helping shape the future of the Java platform.

Furthermore, in September 2021, Oracle proposed a two-year LTS rhythm for commercial Oracle JDK binaries. Microsoft said that it will follow in Oracle’s footsteps, and Microsoft Build of OpenJDK will also maintain the two-year LTS rhythm. In terms of tools, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code, GitHub Copilot, and GitHub Codespaces also already support Java.

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