
New IBM NorthPole chip could be the fastest AI chip to date

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IBM researchers are developing a brain-inspired NorthPole chip that is likely to boost AI operations by working faster with less power consumption. Yes, the all-new processor eliminates the need to frequently access external memory and performs tasks such as image recognition faster than existing chipsets.

According to the details, the new AI-based IBM chip – NorthPole runs neural networks such as multi-layered arrays of simple computational units to recognize patterns in data. A bottom layer takes in data detects patterns of increasing complexity and passes information on to the next layer.

Besides, the top layer produces an output that can express how likely an image is to contain a cat, a car, or other objects. A nanoelectronics researcher at the University of Paris-Saclay in Palaiseau – Damien Querlioz says:

“Its energy efficiency is just mind-blowing. I feel the paper will shake the common thinking in computer architecture.”

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